Let Your Ward Learn From The Best And Be Taught By Experts.

We admit pupils who are six (6) years and above to our primary school. We run the Ghana Education Service approved curriculum for Basic 1 to 6. Combined with a blend of Montessori education, we position your ward to shine and reach greater heights.

We make a difference for our students and they grow with confidence every day as a result of the hybrid approach to teaching and learning that combines inclusive practical teaching and learning with the theory to achieve optimum results.

Our facilitators are well equipped with best practices and proven methods of instructions to enhance effective delivery and that has made our classes session very attractive to our students.

Why Choose Us?

Many parents, guardians and students choose us for various reasons but key among them are:

Class size

Small class size.

Serene environment

Serene environment.

Latest TLM

Latest educational material for teaching and learning.

Qualified facilitators

Qualified facilitators.

Science and Computer Labs

Access to Science and Computer Laboratories.

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